Eric Maisel

Eric Maisel, Ph.D. is the author of more than 50 books and a noted thought leader in the area of critical psychology. He is a retired family therapist, active creativity coach, and critical psychology advocate. He writes the Rethinking Mental Health blog for Psychology Today, lectures nationally and internationally, provides keynotes for organizations like the International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry, and facilitates deep writing workshops around the world in locations like Paris, London, New York, Dublin, Prague, and Rome.

Courses by Eric

Overcoming Overwhelm

Overcoming Overwhelm

Gain the expert tools you need to instantly destress and remain patient in today's busy world. With this groundbreaking course, Dr. Eric Maisel will teach you an innovative program for managing and preventing overwhelm. Learn how to transform your mindset and achieve a lasting state of calm, focus, and purpose as you examine the causes, signs, and symptoms.
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Were You Born Sad?

Were You Born Sad?

Unhappiness is a natural part of life that everyone endures. However, if you feel that you experience sadness more often and deeper than most, you can take active steps to become happier by exploring and acknowledging the sources of your unhappiness. This awareness and acceptance can free you from labels like “depression,” leading you to think about your sadness differently and embrace it as an integral part of who you are. With this course, Dr. Eric Maisel will help you discover a radical new way to think about depression and the life-altering concept of original personality and original sadness so that you can develop increased self-awareness and healing.
Were You Born Sad?
Unlocking the Inner Magic of Ideas

Unlocking the Inner Magic of Ideas

Do you want to unleash your creative freedom and make your ideas a reality? In this class, therapist and coach Eric Maisel provides guidance on how to confidently and consistently complete your artistic pursuits. With the support of expert teachings and strategies, you’ll learn how to establish more connection to your work and navigate blocks to stay on track. By the end, you will have reignited your passion and gained a more positive perspective of yourself.
Unlocking the Inner Magic of Ideas
How to Overcome Depression

How to Overcome Depression

In this powerful course, therapist and coach Dr. Eric Maisel will provide proven tools to attain balance within and be more in control of your mood. With Eric's healing practices and tips, you'll create a supportive and kind inner dialogue as well as cultivate deeper meaning in your life. By the end, you’ll positively transform your mindset and have a natural way to unlock greater happiness.
How to Overcome Depression
From Emotional Distress to Emotional Bliss

From Emotional Distress to Emotional Bliss

Lighten your heart, recover from sadness, and move forward in ways that will change your experience of life. Learn how to transform your mental health with this course by Dr. Eric Maisel. You’ll gain an array of holistic anxiety-management techniques that only take a few minutes to do and mindful practices that shift negative self-talk into constructive thoughts that serve you.
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Overcoming Creative Anxiety

Overcoming Creative Anxiety

This course from America’s foremost creativity coach, Dr. Eric Maisel, helps creative individuals unravel the root causes of anxiety and provides proven coping mechanisms to ensure that working with their craft is a fulfilling experience. You’ll learn how to start and complete projects without overwhelm and get techniques that have supported thousands of artists to excel. By the end, you will hold all the tools to cultivate the rewarding, artistic-fueled life you love.
Overcoming Creative Anxiety
You Are What You Think

You Are What You Think

Ready to embrace a less fretful, more creative, and all-around happier life? In this ground-breaking course therapist and life coach Dr. Eric Maisel will show you how to become the master of your own mind through the proven support of cognitive behavioral therapy. You’ll uncover the true nature of your brain’s brilliance with dynamic self-regulation tools and expertly guided practical techniques to conquer anxiety, self-criticism, creative blockage, and many other common challenges.
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