Elevate your financial literacy and transform your relationship with money. In this course financial strategist Danielle Howard will teach you how to create financial wellness in your life. You’ll learn how to budget and spend differently, as well as how to rewire your brain for wealth. These lessons will include expert financial guidance, practical tools and worksheets, affirmation practices, and more to help you reach your income goals so you can become financially empowered.
What does success mean for you? How do you want to bring your greatest work into the world — and do you even know what that is? If you’re ready to write yourself a new career story, this seven-day transformational course with career coach and award-winning writer Deborah Burns is for you. By adopting a writer's mindset and using the principles of storytelling, you’ll become the author of your own story so you can reset the trajectory of your life and career.
Do you want to be able to start that new business? Are you ready to meet the man or woman of your dreams because you deserve it? Do you want more rewarding relationships with others? Or maybe you want leave that job you hate, or feel more powerful and confident. Many self-help approaches focus on your outside world and changing your outside world. This is where NLP differs, because you are looking inside yourself first to create better results on the outside. As you begin to discover the user manual for your mind you will learn about your own patterns and programs, how you can change them and have more flexibility and choice in your life. Personally and professionally, people from all walks of life have been enhancing their lives and finding greater success as a result of NLP. What effects will it have on your life? During this program you'll have the opportunity to look inside yourself to make very rapid shifts, changes, and transformations in what you believe, what you feel, how you communicate to yourself and others and what you really want to achieve. It's like the code for you! During this introductory program you'll be guided through seven powerful sessions that can be applied in all areas of your life and help you discover what you are doing inside your head so you can get more of what you want and less of what you don't want.
Are you tired of being stuck in a rut, doing the same old thing and running into the same old blocks that keep you from making the kind of money you really want? Are you fed up with hearing about the incredible wealth other people are raking in, while you're forever stuck on the sidelines? If so, this is the course for you! What is it about money that's so enigmatic? Why is it that some people seem to be able to create money, and the life of their dreams, virtually out of thin air, while others struggle their entire lives and never get ahead? The powerful philosophy of this course will show you that money in and of itself isn't the elusive, evasive currency we've built it up to be in our minds. Money is just a form of energy that you can attract and channel into your life. The bottom line is when it comes to creating money, or really anything you want, you need to blast through the energy of your pre-conceived notions and limitations about what you can truly allow yourself to have. Once you strip these limitations away, you can access the powerful and vibrant life force energy of your spirit, which knows no limits and can manifest instantaneously. Much more than a course or seminar, this course is a potent and driving life philosophy with the power to help you reinvent your reality.
We know that money can bring us happiness and freedom, but it can also be a source of constant stress for many of us. In this course, world-renowned personal wealth and happiness expert Ken Honda will teach you how to identify and change the beliefs that limit how your money flows in and out of your life. You’ll learn about your personal relationship and emotional intelligence around your finances and release any blocks that are hindering you from what you truly desire.
Creating a healthy relationship with our finances can help us build a better connection with ourselves. In this course, money expert and business coach, Michelle Atlas, will provide expert guidance to heal and transform the way we view, save, and spend money. With the support of insightful self-assessments and helpful advice, you’ll release any mental and emotional blocks that have been holding you back from greater abundance, all while nurturing your self-worth. By the end, these practical tools will create life-changing breakthroughs and greater prosperity.
Affirmations are a powerful way to create new thought patterns that are aligned with what you truly desire. In this course, DailyOM's co-founder and former editor-in-chief Madisyn Taylor provides a series of detailed audio recordings that explain how to cultivate more inner peace, gratitude, and harmony. With the support of expert tips and daily motivations, you’ll learn how to self-prioritize, open yourself up to receiving universal blessings, and conquer self-defeating habits so you can manifest new positive energy into every aspect of your life.
You can create lasting financial change. In this course, spirituality and wealth consciousness instructor Edward Vilga teaches powerful affirmations that have been developed over his many years of living and teaching. With real-life examples and mindset practices, you’ll learn how to shift the way you think about and interact with money so you can experience the abundance you deserve.
Almost everyone, particularly we spiritual seekers, seems to be looking for a better way to experience money in our lives. This 6 week course will help you transform all the shame, guilt, fear, disappointment, and all the other negative beliefs about money in your life from both a mindset AND a practical perspective. How will we do that? By applying everything I've learned in almost two decades of teaching yoga to the world of personal finance. Wouldn't you love to feel the way you do after a yoga class--even if there's some intensity and stretching involved--when you think about your Money? We'll approach the world of money in a yogic way, holistically exploring both our Mindset and the Real World of Numbers, but with ease and compassion. Most importantly, we'll use working with our bodies not only as a metaphor for our financial lives but also as a means to release and transform old patterns, fears, and our entire financial history. Note: no yoga experience is needed--you will certainly not be asked to do "pretzel" poses or even work up a sweat. You will, however, connect profoundly with yourself through gentle stretching and greater breath awareness along with guided meditations, journaling, and practical exercises to find the true Abundance that's waiting for you.
Money has remained in shadow for so long that when we consciously bring it into the light and simply acknowledge the darkness, shame, and fear that we have around money, we begin to transform our old patterns. Being in denial, obsession, or resistance with any of our patterns, keeps them firmly in place. Many of us have been conditioned to believe, for example, that money is difficult. As we understand our ancestral patterns and our archetypal money tendencies, we learn how to balance these tendencies to create a sustainable paradigm shift in our lives. In place of worn money beliefs and undermining behaviors, we can access and affirm beliefs and behaviors which align with who we are today. The spiritual tools are now available for us to challenge our initiation into money and undo our ancestral conditioning. This 8-week course on healing the money life that you inherited from your parents (which they inherited from their parents, and so on) will enable you to stop the karmic repetition of stressful and energy-leaking thoughts and behaviors around money.
Learn how to attract lasting abundance into your life. This course by lifestyle and wellness expert Ellen Whitehurst will teach you how to go from fearful to financially fulfilled by permanently releasing the barriers you have to wealth. With affirming exercises and results-oriented techniques, you’ll learn how to enhance existing opportunities and create tons of new, exciting ones so you can experience the comfort and prosperity that you dream of.
In order to thrive and reach our highest level of personal well-being and fulfillment, it’s critical to take an integrative approach to our health, wealth, and wisdom. With this yearlong course, you’ll learn how to create transformational change in these three key areas through a series of guided, incremental steps: expertly evaluate and analyze your financial situation, create a success road map with realistic personalized goals, and transform behaviors and patterns to make all the necessary mindset shifts to succeed.
If your menopause symptoms are disrupting your work life, you’re far from alone. Learn how awareness and the right support can help you and your career thrive.
Multitasking is a myth. Instead, practice monotasking, a form of self-care that allows you to create time for yourself to get things done in a calm and concentrated way. Here’s what to know.