Strong whims can commandeer your thought processes today, causing you to focus your attention on your desires. Your initial impulse may be to give in to these newly-developed predilections as you likely see yourself as deserving of a little pleasure. You can ensure that you do not treat yourself to luxuries that add little value to your experience today by taking the time to consider your whims consciously. In your musings, you may discover that simple desires are indicative of a mounting need to find significance in your life's journey. However you choose to answer this call for meaning, you will likely find that there are many ways you can give yourself the gift of satisfaction without veering away from your values.
There are many tempting indulgences that can potentially provide us with opportunities to achieve new levels of inwardly directed consciousness and outwardly directed awareness. To bring to light these purposeful luxuries, we must think carefully about what our cravings signify rather than giving in to them hurriedly. Our willingness to examine our whims in order to discover whether they are as straightforward as they initially seemed, or if they represent deeper emotional needs, enables us to seek out those extravagances that will add depth to our experiences. The impulses we then satisfy will open our eyes to parts of ourselves of which we were previously unaware, and give us a means to extend our limitations. When you scrutinize your desires today, you will discover that there are many ways to fulfill yourself not only thoughtfully, but also constructively.