We get a lot of information about how to live longer — from infomercials and ads touting miracle supplements and serums to the medical establishment striving to discover innovative medicines and procedures. It’s incredible to witness all the human advancements we’ve made through history, and it’s truly something to applaud and appreciate. In today’s world, more people have access to care and the resources to live longer than ever before.
But we know in our hearts that it isn’t just about the quantity or number of years; it’s the quality of how we live. How do we make living longer worthwhile and meaningful?
On one end of the spectrum is our physical well-being and staying fit and healthy. On the other side, which may not always take priority, is our mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness. There are many studies and real-life stories from those who have lived long that what made life meaningful and worth savoring was the fact that they lived with purpose and with a deep connection to their values — such as the importance of family and community and a sense of belonging to something greater than themselves.
Another shared quality that longevity experts talk about is: lifelong learning. Having a mindset that is curious keeps the brain agile and healthy — and it keeps life interesting. We not only enrich ourselves, but we also avoid stagnation or dissatisfaction that might come as we age. Embracing new learning opportunities is also a wonderful way to broaden your community and to meet other like-minded people. So engage in activities that feed your soul and spark your creativity. Give yourself permission to pursue new interests or devote time to beloved hobbies. Fulfillment is a vital ingredient in living joyfully, and nurturing your passions is integral to sustaining your zest for life.