Serving Your Community

Being of service to our community is part of being a good citizen of the planet Earth.

To live harmoniously, we need to be supportive and helpful to all people, creatures, and plant life that share this Earth with us. While “being of service” is part of being a good citizen of the world, it also feels good to help others. When we do something for others in service without the expectation of anything in return, we are turning our actions into offerings.

You can give service to your community through many ways. There are the obvious and much needed volunteer opportunities, such as serving Thanksgiving dinner at a shelter, mentoring youth, or cleaning up a beach. Then, there is the kind of service that we may not even think of as being acts of service. Learning a new language (perhaps sign language) so that you can talk to more people is a way to reach out to others. Inviting someone who isn’t motivated enough to exercise on their own to join you on your daily walk is a way to give of yourself. Sharing flowers or vegetables from your garden, organizing a poetry reading, offering to babysit for a busy parent, or donating pet food to an animal shelter are all simple ways to offer your services to your community.

You can serve the world through different paths. Imagine the impact we would have on the environment if we picked up one piece of trash off the street every day and chose not to drive our car once a week. Even gardening tactics such as throwing wildflower seeds onto a vacant lot can brighten the lives of others — including the lives of birds and insects. Every day, you can do something to make this world a better place. During meditation, ask for guidance on what you can do to be of service. This can be a wonderful way to start your day. Smiling at a stranger who looks down in the dumps or teaching neighborhood kids how to whistle will impact someone’s day or even their life. Giving of yourself is the best gift that you can give.

Ego Death: Restore Your True Self-Identity

By Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati
Taken by 3,270 people

Ego Death: Restore Your True Self-Identity

Our ego is the false story we tell ourselves about who we are which often sabotages our happiness and keeps us from experiencing our genuine potential. In this course, renowned spiritual leader and bestselling author Sadhviji Bhagawati Saraswati will teach you ancient wisdom, modern techniques, and practical tools that will unearth your true self, transcending your ego and helping you shift the way you think, act, and feel. With spiritual teachings rooted in Eastern and Western philosophy, you’ll be able to see the infinite fullness and light of who you really are beyond limiting beliefs. By the end, you’ll uncover the path to the authentic, fulfilling life that you have always dreamed of and are worthy of.
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